Table of Contant

  1. Introduction Page 5
    1. About This Book Page 5
    2. Acknowledgments Page 8
    3. About the Author Page 8
    4. Disclaimer Page 8
  2. 1. Promise Basics Page 9
    1. The Promise Lifecycle Page 17
    2. Creating New (Unsettled) Promises Page 21
    3. Creating Settled Promises Page 24
    4. Summary Page 27
  3. 2. Chaining Promises Page 28
    1. Catching Errors Page 30
    2. Using finally() in Promise Chains Page 34
    3. Returning Values in Promise Chains Page 35
    4. Returning Promises in Promise Chains Page 42
    5. Summary Page 43
  4. 3. Working with Multiple Promises Page 43
    1. The Promise.all() Method Page 51
    2. The Promise.allSettled() Method Page 57
    3. The Promise.any() Method Page 61
    4. The Promise.race() Method Page 65
    5. Summary Page 67
  5. 4. Async Functions and Await Expressions Page 67
    1. Defining Async Functions Page 69
    2. What Makes Async Functions Different Page 81
    3. Summary Page 83
  6. 5. Unhandled Rejection Tracking Page 83
    1. Detecting Unhandled Rejections Page 85
    2. Web Browser Unhandled Rejection Tracking Page 90
    3. Node.js Unhandled Rejection Tracking Page 94
    4. Summary Page 95
  7. Final Thoughts Page 96
    1. Download the Extras Page 96
    2. Support the Author Page 96
    3. Help and Support Page 97
    4. Follow the Author Page 102

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