Problem Statement: Write a program to create a function that checks if one string is a rotation of another. For example, "waterbottle" is a rotation of "erbottlewat" because you can rotate it to get the original string.
Input: The input consists of two strings S and T.
Output: The output will print either "True" or "False".
Constraints: 0 ≤ |S| ≤ 10000, 0 ≤ |T| ≤ 10000
Example: Enter strings
Input: waterbottle erbottlewat
Output: True
# Write your PHP code from here
fscanf(STDIN, "%s %s", $S, $T);
function rotation_string($S, $T)
// if both strings are not same length then stop
if (strlen($S) != strlen($T))
echo "False";
// concatenate $string1 to itself, if both
// strings are of same length
if (strlen($S) == strlen($T))
$S = $S . $S;
if (strpos($S, $T) > 0)
echo "True";
echo "False";
rotation_string($S, $T);
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